What is Ms Office Word?
What is Ms Office Word? Microsoft Office Word kya hai? You may be wondering- A good definition is that it's a word processor. That's an --application you use to “process”— format, manipulate, save, print, share — a text-based document. Microsoft Word is arguably the most popular word processor on the planet. That’s because it’s part of Microsoft’s Office Suite, which is installed in 1 billion devices in the world. When Word 1.0 for Windows was released in 1989, it was one of the first word processors that offered a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface. This combination of ease of use and robust features makes it the go-to word processor in both homes and offices today. It’s now also available for the Mac operating system as well as a web-based version through an Office 365 subscription. What Is Microsoft Word Used For? Now you're ready to learn how to use MS Word. Use it to create many kinds of business and person documents. Here's j...